Tampa Organizer, Sarah Doering of Simplicity Organizing Solutions joins radio show host Katrina Madewell to go over Organizing and Where to start, the Top 5 questions she Gets including: Why to Hire a professional organizer?How and where to begin to start and stay organized.Why would a professional organizers, want to do that?How do charge people? Is it expensive?How long does it take to get through it.Special guests also included Marla Dee Author of Organizing the Clear and Simple Way. She shares her systems for organizing. (She suggests that you start with a small project like a purse, junk drawer, or other small area) See itMap itDo it and the method she uses to get it and keep it organized is called STACKS Sort Toss Assign Contain Keep It UpSimplify Offer for listeners Marla's free ebook, The art of Letting go. The podcast explains where to start, what to do with the stuff, how to choose the project, how to choose what to get rid of, how to make it fun and not stressful. Don't miss this amazing show with lots of details to kick off those new years resolutions and get organized once and for all.